Protect Your Skin : 10 Tips For A Healthy Glow
Learn 10 tips for a healthy glowing skin. Discover all the beauty tips and advice on Sun Protection for different types of skin, by Garnier.
The skin is the body’s largest and most visible organ and we want it to shine with health. There’s lots of healthy skin advice around, but it can sometimes get a little overwhelming. Read on for 10 tips to protect your skin for a seriously healthy glow. Trust us, it’s easy!
1. Water
We know how important it is to drink plenty of water, but it can be tricky to put this knowledge into practice. Staying hydrated makes for plump and smooth skin, so build good drinking habits!
2. Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse
Cleansing your skin regularly removes dirt, pollutants and oil. It’s absolutely the best way to avoid breakouts, dryness and other skin complaints.
3. Moisturise
If drinking water keeps you hydrated from the inside, moisturising hydrates the skin from the outside. Moisturise regularly, applying cream to damp skin to lock in moisture. And why not use an SPF moisturiser for sun protection and hydration in one? Easy! Once at home you can even apply an after sun lotion to complete your hydration.
4. Anti-ageing care
Good anti-ageing care is key when it comes to keeping skin healthy. Start using an anti-ageing product as early as possible to protect your skin against collagen breakdown.
5. Eat well
Our skin paints a picture of our general health, so you need to eat healthily for a radiant complexion. Tucking into a tasty, balanced diet including essential fatty acids and plenty of vegetables will leave you glowing with health inside and out.
6. Dietary supplements
You might need to supplement your diet by taking vitamins (including antioxidants and omega-3 oils) to ensure your skin has all it needs to stay on top form.
7. Exercise
Along with a balanced diet, regular exercise is seriously important when it comes to healthy-looking skin. Exercise makes for a fresh and rejuvenated complexion, and sweating eliminates toxins. What’s more, getting your heart pumping will release endorphins and leave you with a healthy glow of happiness. Phew!
8. Cherish your beauty sleep
It’s called beauty sleep for a reason!
9. Avoid sun damage
The number one threat to skin, sun damage can lead to premature ageing. Always protect your skin from the sun. Apply sun cream (at least SPF 15) 20 minutes before going into the sun to avoid sunburn and damage. Apply after sun lotion following sun exposure and remember to look after your skin during winter, too.
10. Stay zen
Stress is a whopper as far as health is concerned and the skin is no exception. Stress is likely to show up on your skin fast, in the form of outbreaks, dryness and dullness. And in the long term, stress can cause wrinkles and other signs of ageing. So take a deep breath, and channel that peace! Ommm.

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